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Access FM220U L1 Startek Biometric Fingerprint Scanner. UIDAI Approved L1 authentication Device for Aadhaar. STQC Certified Single Finger Scanner, BIS Registration No. : R-72003948 Confirming to IS 13252(PART I):2010 + A1:2013 A2:2015/IEC 60950-1:2005 + A1:2009 + A2:2013, Device as per MOSIP L1 and UIDAI L1 specs, having Pre certified Renesas Controller. Biometric data is signed within the device using the device key to insure it is indeed captured live. Then the Registered Device (RD) Service of the device provider must form the encrypted PID block before returning to the host application.Security Parameters Specification Crypto operation Secure Memory Secure Boot : Hardware base RSA2048 Key Generation, AES GCM-250,SHA-256, TRNG support : TEE support by the device. Secure memory support key wraping feature : Secure boot support by the deviceThe scanner is based on optical technology, which assures high-quality fingerprint scanning even when dusty, dirty or rough fingers are scanned. Developed for law enforcement, IT security, border administration, and national ID programs. Its highly sophisticated crypto operation and ergonomically design makes it excellent performing and secured biometric device in the industry for field operations.


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Access FM220U L1 Startek Biometric Fingerprint Scanner

SKU: 0006
₹5,200.00 Regular Price
₹2,960.00Sale Price
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